Schedule of the Hobbyhorse Championship 2023
Prior to the championship we will publish a detailed schedule of registered competitors for each discipline.
The schedule will be available to visitors and competitors throughout the championship on a dedicated website. Details coming soon!
On the screens in the sports hall, we will inform about the competitors who have to prepare in advance for the individual disciplines during the day. When the competitor’s name is displayed on the screen – he/she will come to the entrance of the discipline and wait to be called by the referee.
Each participant, vendor, visitor will receive a special wristband upon entry and registration, which will entitle them to enter the sports hall.
Please note that only competitors will be allowed on the sports hall floor.
Visitors and the entourage of competitors will be able to watch the entire championship from the stands.
There will also be vendor booths in the grandstand area offering snake-made products related to hobbyhorsing.
Important times of the championship:
Registration of sellers of hand-made products + preparation of stands
[/dipl_timeline_item][dipl_timeline_item timeline_title=”Povinná registrácia súťažiacich” display_time=”on” timeline_custom_time=”8:00 – 9:00″ use_timeline_icon=”on” select_timeline_icon=”||fa||900″ _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]
To speed up registration, have your sports number ready when you enter the hall, as you received it in your registration email.
If a competitor has ordered a special championship t-shirt, they will receive one at registration.
[/dipl_timeline_item][dipl_timeline_item timeline_title=”Vstup pre návštevníkov” display_time=”on” timeline_custom_time=”9:00 – 09:30″ use_timeline_icon=”on” select_timeline_icon=”||fa||900″ _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]
If you are not competing and want to come with your hobbyhorse to the championship – you can come as a visitor
[/dipl_timeline_item][dipl_timeline_item timeline_title=”Oficiálne otvorenie šampionátu” display_time=”on” timeline_custom_time=”9:45″ use_timeline_icon=”on” select_timeline_icon=”||fa||900″ _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Start of sports competitions according to the schedule
[/dipl_timeline_item][dipl_timeline_item timeline_title=”Predpokladané ukončenie šampionátu” display_time=”on” timeline_custom_time=”17:30″ use_timeline_icon=”on” select_timeline_icon=”||fa||900″ _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” global_colors_info=”{}”]
Depending on the completion of all competition disciplines
Questions & Answers
Nie. Pre tento ročník šampionátu pripravujeme elektronické spracovanie harmonogramu a výsledkov súťaže. Ešte pred šampionátom zverejníme špeciálnu webovú stránku, na ktorej si nájdete presný harmonogram vašej účasti na šampionáte.
” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” parentOrderClass=”dsm_faq_0″ box_shadow_horizontal=”6px” box_shadow_color=”rgba(20,102,48,0.55)” sticky_enabled=”0″][/dsm_faq_child][dsm_faq_child dsm_title=”Môžem ísť za dcérou do haly keď bude súťažiť?” dsm_content=”
Doprovod a návštevníci budú mať prístup na tribúnu odkiaľ budú mať dobrý výhľad na súťažiacich. Priamo na palubovku športovej haly budú mať prístup len súťažiaci.
” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” parentOrderClass=”dsm_faq_0″ box_shadow_horizontal=”6px” box_shadow_color=”rgba(20,102,48,0.55)”][/dsm_faq_child][dsm_faq_child dsm_title=”Ako budú zverejnené výsledky?” dsm_content=”
Celé spracovanie výsledkov šampionátu budeme robiť elektronicky. Po ukončení danej disciplíny a vyhlásení víťazov budú detailné výsledky zobrazené na špeciálnej webovej stránke.
” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ global_colors_info=”{}” parentOrderClass=”dsm_faq_0″ box_shadow_horizontal=”6px” box_shadow_color=”rgba(20,102,48,0.55)”][/dsm_faq_child][/dsm_faq]
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